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July 27, 2004

Movable Type 3.1, Will it still be MT? | [All About e]

Movable Type何许物件?一对夫妻(现在的Six Apart)写出来的大名鼎鼎的Blog软件是也,Trackback Ping的标准就是MT当年定出来的。我的这个Blog用的就是Movable Type 3.0D。

今天,Six Apart宣布将于8月31日推出Movable Type 3.1

Following Ben and Mena's demonstration on Friday at the BlogOn conference, we're glad to give everyone a small peek at what's coming in Movable Type 3.1. Though Movable Type 3.0 was a Developer Edition, this release will be available for general users, and we'll be making it available as a free update for licensed users of 3.0.

First, here's a quick summary of what's new, followed by a longer explanation of what it all means.

From www.movabletype.org


Dynamic PHP publishing, controllable on a per-template basis(PHP动态页面发布):用户可以针对动态和静态页面制作不同的模板,然后根据需要选择动态或静态发布(负载量较高的页面如RSS Feed的XML文件可以用静态发布以利于提高相应速度降低服务器负载,而每一篇文章的页面可以采用动态发布)。
Post scheduling(定时发布):用户可以事先撰文,预定某一时间点发布。
Subcategories(子类别):原先的MT只有一层分类,新版本可以设置子类别,至于有几层,Six Apart尚未公布。
Application-level callbacks:Plugin的开发者可以有更多的控制权,plugin将被允许hook events(如rebuilding)。


MT-Blacklist: a comprehensive spam-blocking and management system for comments and TrackBacks, with an advanced interface and remote importing of blacklist entries.
XSearch/Plus: A system which allows you to plug in alternate search engines for Movable Type. This includes a working implementation of a powerful Plucene-based search engine.
KoalaRainbow: A visualization engine for Movable Type which uses its own query language to generate graphics based on arbitrary queries of data in your Movable Type system.
MultiBlog: A plugin which allows you to include template content from one weblog in any other weblog in your Movable Type install, including full control over whether an update in one blog should trigger a rebuild in another.
Markdown: A simple text markup language which allows you to create posts in plain text and have them display in semantically correct valid XHTML.
Notifier: An email notification system which lets your readers subscribe to be notified whenever an individual post, a category, or even an entire weblog is updated. There's also a complete system for managing subscriptions.



CMS系统有很多,vignette应该是商业化CMS系统里最著名也是reputation最好的吧,当初CNet把为自己网站开发的发布系统软件商业化后推出了StoryServer,再后来就成了今天的Vignette。这样的系统我们用不起,但是我们有Opensource的解决方案,PHPNuke, PostNuke, Xoops, Mambo OpenSource, Drupal, WebGUI等等都有为数不小的用户群和颇为强大的功能。

从Six Apart这次宣布MT 3.1版来看,他们似乎要把MT往类似于这些多功能的CMS上靠。上面的这些系统我都用过,各有各的优缺点,而在建立这个Blog的时候,之所以选用Movable Type,就是因为MT是一个纯粹的Blog系统,对于这个Blog来讲,除了Comments、Trackback、一层Category、Syndicate之外,我不需要那些复杂的功能和可扩充性,“Simple is Best”。



Posted by PP at July 27, 2004 10:23 PM

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Posted by: MinusDesire at July 31, 2004 10:51 AM


Six apart也不至于那么笨吧

Posted by: zephyr at September 2, 2004 10:04 AM


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