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July 06, 2004

iPod Your BMW | [Toys & Gadgets]

iPod Your BMW - 图片来自 http://www.apple.com/ipod/bmw/


Anyone who has driven a BMW, or plugged into an iPod, knows the pleasure that comes from experiencing the perfect marriage of design and technology. Now you can merge your driving and listening pleasures into one seamless sonic experience. What could be better?

From http://www.apple.com/ipod/bmw/

iPod Your BMW - 图片来自 http://www.iPodYourBMW.com/

对于2002年以后的宝马3系、X3、X5 SAV和Z4 Roadster来说,通过苹果和宝马六月底合作推出的专用适配器,iPod——那“可爱又大肚的小小白”——可以躺在手套箱里与BMW的车载音响系统完美地连接:你可以在开车时尽情享受iPod里的音乐;轻松地动动左手大拇指就可以控制iPod的播放,调节音量、歌曲间跳转等操作按钮都在方向盘上;就连曲目序号都能够在车载音响系统的中央控制面板液晶屏上显示出来;而在你行驶的同时,宝马还会给iPod充电。


苹果和宝马的品牌形象在某些方面有类似的地方,宝马给你的是驾驶的乐趣(“Sheer Driving Pleasure”),而iPod带来的是“精彩叠出,乐趣不断”,两盏“不省油的灯”把两种乐趣完美地结合在一起,1+1的结果肯定是不止2了。


Posted by PP at July 6, 2004 09:54 PM

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Posted by: Bridge Leung at October 12, 2004 12:15 AM


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